Krone Cruise 2025
Kom vaar saam die Krone Konsert kunstenaars vir n moewiese saamsing jol!
Durban na Portugese eiland 31 Januarie - 3 Februarie 2025
Klim aan boord die ongelooflike MSC Musica in Durban, en vaar in die diep Blou Indiese oseaan in vir die vakansie van 'n leeftyd! Jy sal wegvaar uit Durban se hawe uit terwyl jou gunsteling Krone Konsert kunstenaars sowel as die MSC vermaak span jou ‘n voorsmakie gee van wat voorlê vir die volgende drie dae, dans, musiek en n moewiese saamsing jol!
Krone Cruise tema passasiers sal vermaak word op eksklusiewe konserte, met al die beste Krone saamsing-medleys van die laaste sewe Krone-vertonings, 'n intieme ontmoet en groet, wereldklas eetplekke sowel as hope Msc Musica aktiwiteite! Rond die perfekte naweek weg af met 'n dag van pret in die son op die pragtige Portugese eiland in Mosambiek!
Bespreek jou Krone Cruise-kajuit nou met slegs R3000 deposito, sien jou daar!
Sing along with your favourite Krone artists for the entire weekend on the cruise of a lifetime!
Durban to Portuguese Island 31 January - 3 February 2025
Board the incredible MSC Musica in Durban, and head off into the deep blue Indian ocean for the holiday of a lifetime!
You will sail away out of Durban harbour while your favourite Krone Concert artists give you a little taste of what’s in store for the next three days, dancing, music, singing, and so much more!
Krone Cruise passengers will be treated to exclusive concerts, with all the best Krone sing-along medleys of the last seven Krone shows, an intimate meet and greet, fantastic dining as well as loads of MSC Musica activities!
Round off the perfect weekend away with a day of fun in the sun on the beautiful Portuguese Island in Mozambique!
Secure your Krone Cruise cabin now with only R3000 deposit, and enjoy!
This departure is a theme cruise and an entertainment fee per person will apply. This will only reflect at the checkout step.